Highlights from a quiet Friday…
--fabulous love life advice from Anthony. He’s a sage, with previous notable sage-ness being “find a good geek”. Our most recent exchange was set off by Jaci’s fabulous picture…
…which then led to happy pants (as MC Hammer must)… which then led to a spectacularly happy pair of monster pants…
+ then… well… somehow ended up at love life, as all of my conversations still seem to.
A: It's good to give up on dating. I've never dated because the true way to secure a partner is to really really enjoy your single life, plan cool individual things to do, start lots of hobbies, go out every night, smoke cones, drink and revel in the fact you can do whatever you want with abandon... only then will your beloved come along.
Me: Oh yeh, I know. My cone smoking days are well over, but I work pretty hard on the rest. Thanks for the words of wisdom... you smug partnered bastard.
A: I forgot the most important step - you have to not want a partner ever and must want to remain single forever in order to enjoy such things that will never come about. Don't count your cone smoking days as over before they're hatched… you might need it as fall back one day hehe.
--discussion with Bez about stoopid smoothie names + how much of an ass I feel when asking for a banarama or chocko rocko. I suggested going with simple numbers until Bez pointed out that a number two smoothie might not inspire the masses.
But still… My favourite beverage from the campus smoothie operator is called gym junkie. Well how freakin incongruous is that? No way am I waltzing up and saying that out loud. I’m just waiting for someone to say “Hey! You! Lardy pants! Whaddaya need one of those for?” In this case, number two might be more fitting, cos it’s packed with spirulina and is always welcomed back in the office by cries of “Omigod! That’s green!” As if I was completely unaware.
--the general animal email theme that got going. We had giant fake mastiffs, old kinkajous, Paris, and sheep in poodle clothing. So so much fun.--being asked for a cuddle by Brave Smokey cos she was down. You should do that more often mate. It's a win-win situation + we all like those.
--the fact that Carol got her job, official-like, after acting in it the bomb for so many months. It's hard to pick a person who is more genuinely sweet or more deserving of good things.
--watching Secretary again with Jason. Such a beautiful, sensual, thought-provoking film. And Maggie Gyllenhaal... hot hot hot.
--laughing so hard at several of the above. Laughing til my sides hurt. It's hard to get better than that.
Okey dokes... off to do some cool individual things. See ya!
"Love needs reality. What is more terrible than the discovery that through a bodily appearance we have been loving an imaginary being. It is much more terrible than death, for death does not prevent the beloved from having lived.
That is the punishment for having fed love on imagination."
- Simone Weil
Yay! Angelo! You're back. This is a beautiful quote. I'm going to mull it over + write again. Just wanted to tell you how happy I am to see you.
Send me an email + tell me about adventures + stuff. Are you in Melbourne? When are you fellas coming to visit? There will probably be birthday celebrations in Sydney mid-June + I think you should be there!
i second that motion
Feedback from Bec...
"I am just reading Anthony's love life advice (27 April, I am catching up on news).
I think its true, I went out, spent half a million on the perfect
bachelorette pad and was mentally and physically prepared to become a spinster at Rosie T. I mean my list of requirements for a man was long and detailed.
Enter JL.
Plan stuffed.
Now two people and a dog crammed into tiny, impractical house.
All this to secure love."
(True story. And an inspiring one at that!)
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