A fine thin negative thing it was, a nothing with a daintry name, Which preened her plumes in self-love's glass made up of fancy and fond fame; within the shade of its own wing it sate and played a self-crowned king, a froward flower, whose peevish pride within itself itself did hide, flying all things, and even thinking much of its own touch.
Hmmm... compliment, slap, compliment! I know it's a bit of a self-indulgent idea but I'm the only (human) subject readily available to photograph. So you'll have to put up with my preening Angelo!
PS: And they don't get much hotter than you Adi... rrraow!
Travelling Claire looks so much more cruisy than library Claire...Lonely or not something is working for you girl!
P.S thank you so much for the beautiful scarf - I wore it today and about 5 people told me how beautiful I looked in it...so I am going to glue it around my neck.
whatever is happening, you're lookin HOT, girl!
A fine thin negative thing it was,
a nothing with a daintry name,
Which preened her plumes in self-love's glass
made up of fancy and fond fame;
within the shade
of its own wing
it sate and played
a self-crowned king,
a froward flower, whose peevish pride
within itself itself did hide,
flying all things, and even thinking much
of its own touch.
You are beautiful, still.
Hmmm... compliment, slap, compliment! I know it's a bit of a self-indulgent idea but I'm the only (human) subject readily available to photograph. So you'll have to put up with my preening Angelo!
PS: And they don't get much hotter than you Adi... rrraow!
Travelling Claire looks so much more cruisy than library Claire...Lonely or not something is working for you girl!
P.S thank you so much for the beautiful scarf - I wore it today and about 5 people told me how beautiful I looked in it...so I am going to glue it around my neck.
I think I was more exhausted than anything else... but thanks Tones.
So glad that you like the scarf. It was fun to make :)
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