24 July 2008

flat pack

I survived my first slightly flat day yesterday. Nothing major - just generic listlessness + a teensy bit of beating-myself-up. I guess the crux of it is that I've been feeling lazy + that's been pissing me off. Not physically lazy, creatively lazy. I've had this floaty week were I haven't focused fully on anything much. I've been active but not applied, + the bits + bobs that I have done seem more like pfaffing than working towards something. So far there hasn't been a lightening bolt creative breakthrough... in spite of me not-so-secretly wanting one. Patience isn't my virtue here. I want it on tap! Now! Go! And it simply doesn't work that way. Maybe the downtime is a necessary precursor to the lightening bolt. Maybe there's no lightening bolt in store for me right now. It will be what it will be. Let go.


adi said...

i like the idea of your suggestions.
the easier we make it the more likely people are to do it. currently i am fantasising about a comiv about trying to poison Jane Atkinson, so 'weird shit i did as a kid' seems like a great topic.... maybe just 6 frames? i'll have a think this weekend while i'm face planting in snow. (beginners x-country weekend, yikes!)

Anonymous said...

put the pen down and walk slowly away from the page.... AND RUN!!!!!
I have been where you are my dear sooo many times I could make it an olympic sport!... adi is right if it was easy all would do it, the fact we do it even though it is hard emotionally and creative is what makes its so special.... what gets us right where it hurts and also where it fills us with peace... don't beat yourself up about creative genius not oozing from your pores each and everyday... its the lulls that let us get the rest a (mind and body)and space we need for when that creativenss does start oozing because its then that we need all the energy we can get... sorry if all too philosophical, but i can't help it... damn masters!! : P
sending peace and tranquility over the desert
big hugs bw xo
ps a good book you can lose yourself always seems to help me, your imagination is still working but the body can rest

Claire said...

ADI - cross-country skiing, you brave thing. I'm loving this newfound snow addiction of yours. Please provide more gorgeous photos!

Weird-shit-I-did-as-a-kid it is! I'll chuck something together this week + mail it to you. Hmmm... now I just have to channel my weird kid self. I'll leave the JA poisoning incident for you.

BIRDSWORTH - thanks for the encouragement gorgeous gal! I took your advice + buried myself in CS Lewis, but I'll be back on the horse again this week, no fear.
Proper email soon I promise x