05 October 2007

small things

Those little things continue to make the difference. Poetry, music, friendship, good conversation. I’m gradually feeling more at home in my own life again.

Music has gotta be a portent of good. I love it when I’m walking to work and the shuffle spits up something fabulous. This morning it was Daft Punk (always!), A Tribe Called Quest and OutKast. They shifted me straight out of morose tendencies and into a new place entirely. Everything felt suddenly energised and light. I went into one of my fun daydreams about being a super-athlete and traversing the path to work parkour-style, complete with flips and jumps and cartwheels. I’ll never do it but I love dreaming about it.

I felt good. The sun was shining. The tunes were fine. And I reminded myself that I must always shake it like a polaroid picture.


Tones said...

Shake it like a Polaroid - you're a classic girl!

My fabulous tune at the moment is Ani Difranco's 'Fuck You'. Although I think I need that new place you mention so I reckon I need some downloading action.

crybaby said...
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crybaby said...

lend me some sugar!
i AM your neighbour.