17 February 2008

claire's writing book


crybaby said...


crybaby said...

hard week for gas and his family. we are sad for them.

Claire said...

Thanks mate.

Yeh, absolutely awful news about Mel. It's hard to even comprehend such a sad waste of life.

Looking forward to a hug on Sunday.


Anonymous said...

Claire I love it girl - food and music you can't go wrong! I'm loving this style of yours.

By the way I am around - just not around the cyber world cause there were too many other life things to deal with to create any art for it so I shall be back there in a few days when I get these works finished - thanks for the look though.

Anonymous said...

hey lovey... this is beautiful... tumba must have hit the spot this year xo

Claire said...

Thanks fellas. Your support is very much appreciated - as always!